“Reverence Worship Opens Door to God’s Goodness.
This is Where the Heart Of God Is.”
Worship is a life changing decision every moment to enter into God’s Presence. Reverence Worship Is What God’s Asking For Every Heart, Nation, Culture and Creed to live a lifestyle of reverence worship to offer your body as living temple of the Holy Spirit to lived and focus on God’s Presence during worship whether 30 minutes or so Worship in your own way and not be distracted to the things of this world. Because This Worship Lifestyle Brings Honor To God That Opens Door To His Goodness and Breakthroughs as Scripture Promises Time and Time Again. This Is Heart of God.
That is Reverence Worship.
Worship is lifestyle of Reverence Worship.
Psalms 34:9
“Worship brings me Closer to God.”
Worship makes me feel closer to God. It helps me to focus on God especially when I’m just alone.
Worship is lifestyle being Closer to God.
Psalms 34:18