Welcome to CityHope.
We are N4C Church - In The Heart City of Clearfield. We Believed that We Are Called to pour to this community for the broken and the hurt. We’re committed to be available and be the light for this City - bring the light into the City and surrounding Cities. Jesus says we are called to wash each other’s feet and by doing so we will become a part of the Heart of God - John 13:8 and This is The Good News.
“A third time Jesus says, “Simon son of John, Do you love Me?” Peter became sad because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” and so then says, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you!” Jesus says again to him, “Feed My Sheep.”
John 21:17 - The Good News”
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month @ 9AM.
CityHope Food Drive + Prayer Event Volunteer at 9AM.